
The Walk-a-thon is one our our big PTA fundraisers. It took place on October 10, 2024 at school.

Thank you for helping us reach our funraising goal. The funds raised go to support vital programs like P.E. with Coach Don, mini-grants for teachers and staff, counseling, Restorative Justice, and so much more.

100% of the money earned from this and every fundraiser goes to support the Washington community.

What is the Walk-A-Thon?

Students will walk laps out on the blacktop/playground with other students in their grade level receiving stamps for every lap walked. This will be an energetic event with music and volunteers cheering and encouraging kids. Here is the tentative schedule:

  • TK & Kindergarten: 8:15 - 8:45 am

  • 2nd Grade: 8:45 - 9:15 am

  • 1st Grade: 9:40 - 10:10 am

  • 4th Grade: 10:25 - 10:55 am

  • 3rd Grade: 10:55 - 11:25 am

  • 5th Grade: 11:30 - 12:00 pm

How doES My Student get pledges?

  • Option 1: Over the next couple of weeks, families can collect cash, checks and pledges from family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers tracking pledges with the envelope that is sent home for every student.  

  • Option 2: In addition to the envelope, each student will be given a unique link for the fundraising site 99Pledges. Caregivers will receive this link via email. You can reach out to friends and family by email, Facebook, and X, or any social media/digital methods you regularly use to communicate. If you do not receive the email for whatever reason, simply search and find your participant's online pledge page here.

  • Families can collect cash, checks, and pledges using the envelope, 99Pledges link, or a combination of both.

  • Washington Elementary School is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are fully tax-deductible (non-profit Federal Tax ID No. 94-6174706).

  • Don’t forget to check to see if your employeer will match the donations. Ask your employer or click here and scroll down to “New Search”

What will students do on the day of the Walk-a-Thon?

  • Students will walk laps out on the blacktop/playground with other students in their grade level and receive stamps for every lap walked. The laps will be counted up and reported back for any pledges that are “per lap” pledges.

  • The Walk-A-Thon is a fun, energetic event with music and family volunteers cheering on and encouraging the kids. 

How do We collect the pledges?

  • Cash can be placed directly in the pledge envelope and returned to your students teacher by October 31st.

  • Checks made out to “Washington Elementary PTA” can be turned in to your students teacher by October 31st. Donors can also mail the checks on your behalf to Washington PTA, 2300 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Berkeley CA 94704. Please do not mail cash.

  • Pledges can be made electronically through 99Pedges.

  • Pledges can also be made using the “Make A Donation” box below.  

  • Please collect all pledges by October 31st.

Please enter "Walkathon" and the name(s) of the student(s) you are sponsoring so their class can get credit for the donation. (If using a mobile device, please enter this info in the optional “note to seller” field once in PayPal.)